Here, Faith and Love are verbs and we are here when you need us

We treat, move our feet, and show up because we care. When members and congregants need someone to visit or show up, we will be there. When you need someone to listen or hold space in silent contemplation, know that we can join you. We are available to stop in for a visit or bring a bag of groceries. When a new life is welcomed into the world or a beloved one is departing the physical realm, we will be with you to offer love, compassion, and care. At Heart & Soul, this is how we Love.

When our communities in Oakland and the greater Bay Area are facing challenges, we respond. We have packed blessing bags and distributed them to the unhoused. We have collected clothes and toys and gifted them to families impacted by incarceration. We have collected food for the Alameda County Food Bank. We have even gone out into the community and given Heart & Soul hugs because that’s the way we love.

If you’re in need of care or have a project in the community you’d like us to support, contact us.

Prayer & Care Leadership

The coordination, facilitation and leadership of our Prayer & Care Village is held by three members of Heart & Soul Center of Light.

Felicia Williams CoseyA member of Heart & Soul since 2010, Felicia (aka “Dr. Love”) serves as co-lead of the Practitioner Core and the Prayer and Care Village. She delights in ministering through music as a member of Heartsong and the Ensemble.

Felicia uses a unique integration of her professional and spiritual backgrounds to inspire organizations, leaders, and individuals to go beyond the ordinary to achieve successful business and personal relationships. As an organizational change management consultant, she brings clarity, insight, and strategy to support organizational transformation that integrates business imperatives with human competencies and needs. Felicia also facilitates global personal growth workshops that focus on Love.

In her private practice, Felicia has supported thousands of clients around the world in 1-1 coaching, counseling and group work in areas including executive coaching, career development, women’s empowerment, communication, and diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Currently a lecturer and leadership coach at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, Felicia’s educational focus is on integrating light, love, and consciousness into the leadership instincts of emerging business leaders.

A Michigan native, Felicia earned her B.S. in psychology and M.A. and Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Michigan State University.

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.”

Proverbs 3:5 is one of Felicia’s favorite verses, and also that of her mother, and was regularly shared in their home as they prayed over meals. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.” It speaks to trusting beyond what she can see, beyond what has been, and releases her from having to know and trying to figure it out. It is a guide forward to Felicia’s higher living.

Contact Felicia

Sheila SmithSheila is a results-oriented trailblazer who currently serves as an adjunct professor for Sacramento State Continuing Education and Solano Community College. She has more than 45 years of professional experience in early childhood and media education, community outreach, and diversity, equity and inclusion. As the founder of her consulting business, SBS Consulting, Sheila has created and facilitated workshops locally, across the state of California, and for national organizations.

Community and educational leadership are core to Sheila. Her volunteer work includes serving on two leadership committees for the California Association for the Education of Young Children (CAAEYC): Professional Development and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. She also serves on the leadership teams of the Solano Community College Teachers 4 Equity and The Adjunct Alliance Committee. In 2023, she was selected to serve on the Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee.

For more than 12 years, Sheila has served as our Prayer & Care co-lead including a collaboration with Adult Education to mentor practitioner students and facilitate CSL courses. A current member of HSCL’s Leadership Council, Sheila holds a Master’s Degree in Human Development with a specialization in leadership education.

“Whisper a prayer”

The lyrics of Whisper a Prayer sung in church as a child remind Sheila of the many facets of prayer – “Whisper a prayer in the morning, whisper a prayer at noon, whisper a prayer in the evening to keep your heart in tune.” Written by Walter Elwood Howell, the song is based on the 1 Thessalonians 5:17 – “pray without ceasing”. This song describes Sheila’s personal relationship with prayer. Prayer is her continual sacred communication with God, her Higher Self. This creates a prayer field from which all her prayers are formed: prayers of praise and gratitude, affirmative prayer, and Spiritual Mind Treatment for herself and for others are declared in truth from this foundation.

Contact Sheila

Roeber WilliamsChaplain Roeber’, as he is known in his spiritual community, has studied Science of Mind principles for more than 25 years and received Emeritus Licensed Practitioner status after 20 years of service. His long-term goal is to continue his spiritual practice and to obtain his ecclesiastical endorsement from the Centers for Spiritual Living.

Roeber’ is a founding member of Heart & Soul, serves as a co-Lead of our Prayer & Care Village, and is a former member of our Board of Trustees. He graciously and generously offers spiritual guidance and support when needed or requested.

In 2019 and 2022 respectively, Roeber’ completed his clinical pastoral education training and internship and currently serves as a staff Chaplain at Highland Hospital. He performs memorial services, facilitates classes, workshops, and seminars to assist individuals, families, and hospital staff during times of challenge, change, and transition. Roeber’ has also supported incarcerated youth in the Rites of Passage program at the Alameda County probation department.

Roeber’ was known as the “The Praying Tax Man” in the business community prior to his retirement. He enjoys being still in the giving and receiving of prayer, playing golf, smooth jazz, and outdoor walks in nature.

“Be still and know”

“Be still and know” is Roeber’s favorite quote. In the very moment of his initial visit to the East Bay Church of Religious Science in 1995, this message resonated with him and encouraged him into and through his immediate life challenges and continues to inspire and support him today.

Contact Roeber’