
As a spiritual community, we teach The Law of Circulation—that giving and receiving are one principle and that giving always precedes receiving

Heart & Soul exists because of your belief and generosity.

We are grateful for your gifts of time, talent and treasure. As a spiritual community, we teach The Law of Circulation—that giving and receiving are one principle and that giving always precedes receiving. When you give, you will receive. When you give, your life expands.

When you make a gift to Heart & Soul, you are also engaging the law. Your collective generosity supports our ministries and also supports organizations that provide food to those in need, address housing challenges and aid families impacted by incarceration among others. This is giving and receiving at work. We invite you to give, because we know the power of giving.

Make a gift to Heart & Soul today. Learn more about the power of giving by exploring our exploring our Adult Education classes.


“Through the study and practice of Science of Mind, we soon learn that the principle of receiving is unbreakable, bound to the principle of giving. They are both sides of the same coin, and if we desire to receive more, we must learn to give more.” — Daniel Lee Morgan, D.D. RSc.D., Guidance for a Spiritual Journey

Make a gift to Heart & Soul today. Learn here all the ways to give.

The Metaphysics of Gracious Giving

It’s important to give something, even if it’s just a little bit; even if it feels minimal at first. No matter how big or small, set an intention to give generously of your time, talent and treasure. When you cultivate a habit of giving you strengthen your capacity to receive.

California Poppies

Blessing our Good

At Heart & Soul, we bless our good each time we give. We say this blessing to turbo-charge the power of giving and circulation. We say this blessing to affirm abundance and prosperity for all. We intentionally acknowledge the Universe as Source because too many of us have been taught that our jobs, our bank accounts, and our assets and many other things are our source and supply. At Heart & Soul, we know and trust God as the only Source and say these words to bless our good:

“I bless this gift as healing energy and send it into the Divine Flow of All Good. Infinite Prosperity circulates through me, through my church and throughout the world because I know God as Source.” And so it is.