Ron embarked on his transformative journey into the Science of Mind in 2000, drawn by an invitation to the East Bay Church of Religious Science in Oakland, CA. Entering the sanctuary, an immediate connection resonated within him, and he recognized it as his spiritual home. A licensed Spiritual Practitioner since 2009, Ron is an indispensable part of Heart & Soul. As a founding member and co-lead of the Heart & Soul Practitioner Core, he plays a vital role in fostering spiritual community and growth. Ron is also the co-lead of the Website Team and manages the many aspects of HSCL’s IT needs.
Dedicated to his life purpose, Ron serves as a spiritual coach, teacher, and revealer of Truth. At the heart of his practice lies a commitment to being a healing presence, always invoking peace and harmony. As a spiritual coach, Ron provides safe and sacred space, guiding clients through a transformative experience. Using spiritual principles, prayer, meditation, journaling, and affirmations, he helps individuals explore and replace thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve them, aligning with Spirit’s highest vision for their lives.
Ron holds a Bachelor’s of Business Administration degree from the Zicklin School of Business from Baruch College in New York.
“The Lord will perfect that which concerns me.”
One of Ron’s favorite “go to” scriptures is from Psalms 138:8, “The Lord will perfect that which concerns me.” For him it is a simple reminder that, regardless of what is going on in his life, he can trust in Spirit to work things out for the highest and best; not just for him but for everyone. It allows him to let go of the “how” and focus on the “what.”