Teaching and empowerment tranforms

Think about it this way. Sunday Celebrations offer a place where you can drop in for a couple hours and experience Science of Mind (SOM) teachings and concepts. It’s a place where you are in community with other like minded humans and can decide how you’d like to continue your journey with us. If you’d like to deepen your understanding of SOM principles and the application of them in your life, Adult Education is your next stop.

Each year, Heart & Soul ministers and practitioners teach a range of courses from the Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL) catalog. Our teaching framework starts with foundational concepts and builds from there. Through our courses, you will immerse yourself in our teachings and concepts and move toward applying them consciously and intentionally. This is where you can become a student of principle and practice. This is where your real life-shifting and transformation begins.

1-on-1 shares

We look forward to seeing you move further into your spiritual journey!


At Heart & Soul, we take the teaching of principle seriously. As an affiliate of Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL), most classes offered at Heart & Soul are part of the CSL certificated courses curriculum.

Spiritual Principles are the foundation for students’ Divine growth and expansion and our courses are pathways to greater liberation. They offer spiritual knowledge and a space for ongoing practice. All classes are taught throughout the year by Heart & Soul ministers and/or licensed practitioners.

Most recently we have offered:

  • Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
  • Mental Equivalents
  • Spiritual Economics
  • The Art and Science of Spiritual Mind Treatment

Learn more about enrolling in one of our upcoming courses.

Upcoming Science of Mind Class!

In September 2024, Adult Education will facilitate a Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL) Foundational Level Course. A Foundational Course is a prerequisite for all other CSL certificated courses and is designed to introduce new students to Science of Mind and reinforce its foundational principles. New and returning students are welcome!

Our HSCL Adult Education facilitation team of CSL Ministers and licensed practitioners will facilitate the course online. By July 2024, more information will be available here and communicated during Sunday services and via our Weekly Sunday Service Recap.

If you’re interested in beginning or continuing your Science of Mind learning journey, please don’t miss this opportunity! Learn more about HSCL Adult Education

Suzzette Celeste Johnson, RScP, Emerita and Director, Adult Education